Public Appearances

As a researcher, I often receive the opportunity to talk about my projects and my creative AI research publicly. News outlets have also regularly interviewed me, or reported on my projects. This page lists all these types of public appearances.

If you'd like to interview me or invite me for a talk, you can contact me on my contact form.

Talks and articles marked in blue are recommended for gaining quick insights into my research interests.

Table of Contents


A list of public talks I've presented over the years, or will present in the near future. Excluded are many internal talks (e.g. within our research lab) and private workshops (e.g. improv workshops for Preparee & others).


A list of news and other media outlets mentioning my work, or interviewing me about my projects or my research into computational humor and creative artificial intelligence.
Note: Listing an item here does not imply endorsement of its content.

